Operation To establish a SLIP session: 1. Run InterSLIP Setup. 2. Highlight the configuration for the SLIP server you want to connect to. 3. Click Connect. InterSLIP provides a shortcut for establishing connections. When an application opens MacTCP while InterSLIP is idle, InterSLIP automatically connects using the most recently selected configuration. InterSLIP includes specific support for doing this at system startup time so that system extensions can be used with InterSLIP. This is useful if you use only one SLIP configuration or a dedicated line. To disconnect: 1. Click Disconnect. If you are using built-in support for Hayes-compatible modems with an external modem and hardware handshaking, the modem may not automatically hang up when InterSLIP disconnects. To hang up the modem, use a dialing script that contains hangup commands or manually power cycle the modem. On machines where a copy of InterSLIP Setup is not installed, InterSLIP Control allows you to select a configuration and connect or disconnect. You cannot edit the configuration information using InterSLIP Control. This is useful for System 6 users who are not running MultiFinder.